


2017 - 2022: Bachelor of Fine Arts - Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC, CA.

2011 - 2013: Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON, CA.

Exhibition History

2022: “Yearbook”, Emily Carr University Writing Centre, Vancouver, BC, CA

2021: “Friend Request: Collaboration in the Digital Age”, RBC Media Gallery, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC, CA

2020: “The Student Art Sale”, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Online.

2020: “Student Showcase”, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Online.

2018: “Offcuts: Junkyard Revival”, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC, CA.

2015: “Anonymous Art Show”, North Vancouver Community Arts Council, North Vancouver, BC, CA. 

2014: “The Pride Show”, Gerrard Art Space, Toronto, ON, CA  

2015: “The Drift”, Renegade Art Studios, Vancouver, BC, CA.

2012: “The Figure Show”, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON, CA.

Teaching Experience

2017 - 2018: Art Class Instructor, DeSerres, Vancouver BC, CA.

2020 - Present: Peer Tutor - The Writing Centre at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver BC, CA.

2020 - Present: Online Learning Mentor - The Teaching and Learning Centre at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver BC, CA.

Volunteer Experience

2014: Art Class Assistant - Clinton Street Public School, Toronto, ON, CA.

2014: Gallery Attendant - The Graduate Show, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON, CA.



2022: Rising Stars Report, Saatchi Art, https://www.saatchiart.com/stories/rising-stars-2022/

2018: “Shift”, Woo Publication, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Page 13. https://issuu.com/woopublication/docs/woospring_printready1


2012: Melville. P. White Scholarship, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON, CA.